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Birchington Dental Care & Birchington Orthodontic Practice Reopening policy

This policy outlines changes to our normal policies and procedures that will be implemented from the 8th June when we reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic peak has subsided. Policies are likely to evolve as new scientific evidence comes to light. We would like to thank our valued customers for their patience and understanding over the past few months and would appreciate their cooperation whilst we implement new measures. Our team have prepared the practice for reopening with updated procedures. This will allow us to meet their dental care needs in the safest way possible.


We will initially be assessing and meeting the needs of our:

  • Dental emergencies
  • Periodontal (gum disease) emergencies
  • Demonstration with supporting aids
  • Orthodontic emergencies

This is an essential screening service for detecting early signs and symptoms of systemic disease.


An initial consultation will last approximately 30-40 minutes where we gather detailed information about you and get to know your concerns to create a tailored approach to your treatment needs.
A full oral health examination is undertaken and will include the following:

  • Open courses of treatment that requires completion
  • Orthodontic reviews and adjustments
  • Online booking services


All patients are required to update their standard medical history form allowing us to assess their level of risk for coronavirus infection before attending.


Our normal surgery premises cross-infection protocols for team BDC & BOP against all previously known pathogens are already woven into our existing procedures and policies, and apply to all clinical activity implemented, working towards Best Practice standards. Dental surgeries remain a meticulously cleansed environment compared to other health care settings and public areas. To date there are no known reports of coronavirus transmission to any dental staff. We have evaluated the most recent guidance and measures implemented in other countries. We are confident that the measures outlined in this policy will greatly minimise the risk at this practice. Please be assured that all clinical staff will be complying with our revised procedures to reduce any risk of cross infection.


  • A current state of health questionnaire will be required to be completed.
  • Birchington Orthodontic Practice may conduct a video consultation to assess the patient’s dental need before attending.
  • If determine that anyone may have been infected we will respectfully request and appointment reschedule.
  • Patients deemed high-risk for developing complications from coronavirus will be asked to delay non-essential dental treatment until it is safe to return.
  • Where possible payments will be made via contactless payment systems. Card terminals will have barrier protection to avoid cross contamination.
  • Patients are to attend appointments alone. Chaperones will be required to wear a mask or some form of face covering.
  • Only 1 adult will be allowed to accompany a child dental/orthodontic appointment. Additional family members will have to wait outside or in the car.
  • Please attend with minimal belongings and dressed in light clothing that can be kept on throughout your visit.


  • The entrance to the surgery will remain locked. Patients will be informed which entrance door to present at.
  • Patients will be greeted outside the practice and the current state of health questionnaire will be completed and assessed.
  • Patient temperature will be taken with a contactless infra-red thermometer. Temperature readings above 37.8°C will require patient self-isolation. This applies to a parent, career or chaperone.
  • All personal belongings will be safely stored in a lidded box to be collected before leaving.
  • An alcohol based hand sanitiser will be available to use before being escorted to your surgery.
  • Waiting rooms and restrooms will not be assessible in order to minimise risks.
  • Appointments will be staggered to minimise patient traffic.
  • Patients will be required to use a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash in surgery before your treatment commences as well as after treatment.


  • All non-essential items that could potentially be a source of infection have been removed.
  • All clinical and common areas including door handles and surfaces will be meticulously disinfected in addition to our normal cleaning protocols between every patient.
  • The Radic8 air purifier will be operational at all times in the general dental surgeries, Surgery A & D. Radic8 completes an air exchange every 3-4 minutes reducing surgery down time. Birchington Orthodontic Practice will have the benefit of the Jade air purification system.
  • Aerosol generating procedures will require additional cleaning protocols to be performed.
  • Time will be allocated between appointments to carry out enhanced disinfection
  • Birchington Orthodontic Practice procedures are not aerosol generating procedures as indicated within the Standard Operating Procedures published by the Chief Dental Officer England.


  • All dental staff will be using personal protective equipment in line with current recommendation and evidence. All prolonged aerosol generating procedures (crowns, bridgework, large restorations) will be postponed until the government risk level has dropped to Level 2.
  • Surgeries are equipped with high-volume suction units reducing aerosol production by over 90%. Our facemasks filter over 95% of remaining airborne particles and together with rubber dam and the air sterilisation every 3-4 minutes we are able to perform normal dental procedures and mitigate the risks of coronavirus.
  • Most patients attending will be healthy and without coronavirus infection. We are confident in providing dental care in as normal an environment as possible, while bearing in mind our responsibility to follow government advice on social distancing and staying alert.
  • All our revised measures aim to impede the spread of infection as far as practically possible.
  • This policy will be reviewed constantly and be updated as necessary.

We apologise for this reduction in personal interaction however we are the same team you have been familiar with and we remain smiling behind our masks and visors!!! We are taking every step to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection, however we cannot eliminate 100% of the risk. Covid-19 can be contracted in any environment or public space including supermarkets, social interaction and work environments.


If you have any questions regarding this policy or your dental care please do not hesitate to contact us by email at:

With Best wishes
Dawn Nye (Practice Manager)